Standard Reports Old Reports - Tools menu
These reports on the Tools → Old Reports menu were those reports inherited from TurboCASH3 and written-out to the reports on the Reports menu in TurboCASH4 and TurboCASH5 as well as in TurboCASH5.2. Over the years these reports have been improved and new reports were added. These reports on the Tools → Old Reports may have some bugs, but are nevertheless listed. |
This menu lists all the standard reports in TurboCASH4, which are required to manage the information in a Set of Books. In addition to these standard reports, you may also create your own user or custom reports in the Edit → User reports menu. TurboCASH4 can report on your transactions and balances for up to two years (this year and the previous year). Reports are grouped into the various types.
The standard reports for the Ledger are grouped together for the creditor's ledger, debtor's ledger, stock ledger (if you are creating transactions from the stock code file), and the general ledger. In addition to the ledger reports, you may also view reports on your batches or journals, contact listing, bank reconciliation, tax (if you are registered as a VAT/GST/Sales tax vendor) and any specific user reports, which you may have created in the Edit → User reports menu.
If you are creating transactions from your stock file (generating documents - invoices, credit notes, purchases and supplier returns documents), you will need to view reports in the stock ledger, document listing, sales analysis, purchase analysis reports in addition to the reports mentioned in the previous paragraph.
To access the Tools → Old Reports menu:
1.Click on the Tools → Old Reports menu. A list of the fourteen (14) available reports or groups of reports will be displayed.
2.Select any of the following reports or options:
a)Batch type - Reports on all your transactions entered and updated on the system, for each entry type or for a specific entry type or specified period. For example, all your sales journal, purchase journal, general journals, etc. transactions will be grouped together.
b)Creditor - You may select any of the five available reports (age analysis, lists, printing of labels, remittance advises and detailed transactions) to manage the accounts in the creditor's ledger.
c)Contact listing - Lists the details of all your contacts.
d)Debtor - You may select any of the five available reports (age analysis, lists, printing of labels, debtor statements and detailed transactions) to manage the accounts in the debtor's ledger.
e)General ledger - You may select any of the five available reports (budget performance, chart of accounts, cash flow, detailed transactions, movements and financial statements such as the Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet) to manage all the accounts in the general ledger.
f)Reconciliation - The bank reconciliation displays the outstanding payments (cheques) and deposits as at the end of a specific period or date.
g)Documents listing - Lists your documents, such as invoices, credit notes, purchases, supplier returns documents, orders and quotes or a selection of documents or for a selected period.
h)Stock - You may select any of the six available reports (stock item activity, back-orders, movement summary, re-order and stock item listing and print labels) to manage the stock items in the stock ledger.
i)Sales analysis - You may select any of the 10 available reports to analyse your sales by customer, salesperson, product, etc.
j)Purchase analysis - You may select any of the two available reports to analyse your purchases by supplier and by product.
k)Point-of-Sale - The Cash-up and Sales analysis report for point-of-sale if you use point-of-sale.
l)Tax - If you are registered as a VAT/GST/Sales tax vendor, you need to print and view reports for a specific period for all your Tax (VAT/GST/Sales tax) or for a specific tax code such as Input VAT/GST/Sales tax, Output VAT/GST/Sales tax, Zero-rated VAT/GST/Sales tax, etc.
m)User reports - Any reports which you have created in the Edit → User reports menu. User reports are reports, which you may create in addition to the host of standard reports which TurboCASH4 provides.
n)Reportman reports - A range of userreports (examples) are included from this menu. This Plugin is by default installed and may be accessed from the Tools → Report designer or Tools → Plugins → Tools → Reportman menu.
TurboCASH4 will display a Report options screen when a report is accessed. You only need to select the information you wish to include in a report. When the cursor is in certain fields of these report options screens, a lookup facility screen will display a list of valid codes, account numbers and description from which you may select the codes or account numbers, descriptions, periods or dates to include in the report. On some fields of these report options screens, a drop-down list may be available where you may select any valid item from a list. You may also come across fields on these report options screens, where you need to select the criteria for a report with a tick. |
When you click on the OK button of Report options screens, except the Creditor, Debtor and Contact lists reports and labels as well as the Chart of accounts Report options, TurboCASH4 will check for unposted items and display the number of unposted Batches and Documents. You may select to view the details of the unposted Batches and Documents. |
These unposted batches and documents contain transactions, which will NOT be included in your reports. |
You may turn this facility off in the Setup → Preferences → System parameters menu. |