Inventory items - Transactions tab

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This will list all sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices and Credit notes) as well as any purchase documents (Purchases and Supplier returns) on which the inventory item was selected.

These will only include documents, which have been updated (posted) to the ledger. Estimates and Orders will not be listed.

Open documents

Right-click on a selected document and choose "Open document" on the context menu. This will open the posted document. The document cannot be edited. The document can only be viewed and the sequence of items and comments may be changed to print on document.

You may use the context menu (right-click) to open selected document(s).

The columns are as follows:

1.Date – The date on which the documents are generated and updated (posted) to the ledger.

2.Items – This displays the number of items quantities as specified in the Quantity Ship field of document lines.

a)Positive Quantities - Purchases and Credit notes – (Inventory In).

b)Negative Quantities – Invoices and Supplier returns (Inventory Out).

3.Cost price – The cost price of each item (Exclusive of Input Tax).

In the case of Purchases and Supplier returns, the cost price and selling price will be the same.

4.Selling price – The selling price of each item (Exclusive of Output Tax).

In the case of Purchases and Supplier returns, the cost price and selling price will be the same.

5.Document no. - The document number as automatically generated.

If document numbers were not prefixed for each document type, with IN, CR, PU and SR it would virtually be impossible to identify the correct document type.

Selling prices 1 / 2 / 3 as selected on sales documents. If not selected on sales documents, these will automatically be used from the following settings:

Global Setting – The Default selling price as selected in Setup → Inventory information.

The Selling price as selected on the Accounting information tab of a selected Customer account (Action → Customer).

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