This will list all sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates) as well as any purchase documents (Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders) on which the inventory item was selected.
Print documents You may double-click on a selected document to print the document. |
Open documents Right-click on a selected document and choose "Open document" on the context menu. ⬥If the selected document has a value of 0 in the Posted column, the document is not yet updated (posted) to the ledger. The document may be edited, if necessary. ⬥If the selected document has a value of 1 in the Posted column, the document is already updated (posted) to the ledger. The document cannot be edited. The document can only be viewed and the sequence of items and comments may be changed to print on document. |
The columns are as follows:
1.Date – The date on which the documents are generated and updated (posted) to the ledger.
2.Items – This displays the number of items quantities as specified in the Quantity Ship field of document lines.
3.Document no. - The document number as automatically generated.
4.Description – The description (name) of the Inventory item.
5.Price – The price is as follows:
a)Cost price of each item (Exclusive of Input Tax) for purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders).
b)Selling price of each item (Exclusive of Output Tax) for sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates).
6.Discount – The discount percentage as entered in the discount column for the inventory item.
7.Unit Price – The price is as follows:
a)Cost price of each item (Exclusive of Input Tax) for purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders).
b)Selling price of each item (Exclusive of Output Tax) for sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates).
8.Exclusive – The selling price (for sales documents) exclusive of Output Tax or the purchase price (for purchase documents) exclusive of Input Tax for the number of items (unit price x quantity) minus the discount amount.
9.Inclusive - The selling price (for sales documents) inclusive of Output Tax or the purchase price (for purchase documents) inclusive of Input Tax for the number of items (unit price x quantity) minus the discount amount.
10.Description The description of the units as selected for the item.
11.Number - Account code of the customer or vendor.
12.Name - Name of the customer or vendor.
13.Document type - Sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates) and purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders).
14.Posted - 1 = Posted and Unposted = 0.
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