Posting a journal is the final step in journal processing. To Post the transactions in a journal, will automatically update the ledger accounts, general ledger (with its control accounts) and the subsidiary ledgers (individual ledger accounts for the Customers and Vendors) simultaneously.
Once the journals have been posted to the ledger, you need to create another transaction in another journal to correct any errors. Since your reports will be as accurate as the transactions entered into a journal type, when the journal type is posted (updated) to the ledger, it is recommended that you print a journal list and to check your transactions before posting the journals. |
Once transactions have been posted to the ledger, a trial balance can then be generated giving you a list of the accounts and the value of the transactions, as well as a profit / loss analysis. You may also print a wide range of reports for the posted transactions.
The transaction data in posted journals are not included in any ledger reports. When you print any reports, TurboCASH will inform you of any unposted journals. You may then decide to post the journals if you wish to include these transactions in your reports.
TurboCASH displays the posted transactions in the 3-column ledger account format. You may also view the posted transactions in general ledger and the subsidiary ledgers (customers and vendors ledger) in the traditional T-Account format using the T-Account viewer.
To post a journal to the ledger:
1.Click on the F6:Post icon, to post (update) the journal to the ledger.
You may also right-click on the selected journal (journal) on the context menu. |
Before you start to post the journal, you need to balance the journal and check the descriptions of your balancing entries, You also need to change the alias for the journal, list the journal and check the entries if they are correct. |
You may click on the F9:Process icon. You then need to select the Post journal from the list of journal processing options. |
2.The transactions in the Journal entry Transaction screen will be posted (updated) to the selected accounts in the journal.
3.Once the transactions are posted (updated) to the ledger, the Journal entry Transaction screen will automatically be closed and the Journal type selection screen will be displayed.
4.Click on the Cancel button, or press the Esc key on your keyboard, to exit this screen.
1.Transactions may however be posted to the previous financial year, after the year-end procedure is performed. Should the journal contain transactions with a date relating to the previous financial year, (for example, if the current financial year is from 01/03/2013 to 28/02/2014, and the date of the transaction is 10/03/2014), a confirmation message: "Do you want to continue posting? Journal contains transactions posting to last year!" will be displayed.
2.Check that the date is correct - Last year's date.
3.Click on the Yes button. TurboCASH will post the transaction to the previous (last) financial year.
If the date(s) of the transactions is incorrect:
1.Click on the No button.
2.Correct the date(s) of the transaction in the journal to this year.
3.Balance the journal once again.
4.Post the Journal.
Should the journal not be in balance or if the journal is not balanced, an error message "Journal is not in balance!" will be displayed.
1.Click on the OK button.
2.Balance the journal.
3.Post the journal again.
Error message : Account disabled
You will not be allowed to post (update) the journal or document, if a selected the "Account disabled" field on the Accounting information tab for a customer (Action → Customers) or a vendor (Action → Vendors) account is selected.
If the "Status" field of a ledger account is set to "Disabled" for a ledger account (Action → Accounts) it will also not allow you to post (update) the journal or document to the ledger.
An error message "This journal does not validate! Account disabled 000005 Mr. AB Green" (000005 Mr. AB Green is the account code and name of the customer as per this example - vendor accounts or ledger account) will be displayed.
This error may be caused by one of two reasons, i.e.
1.The incorrect customer, vendor or ledger account was selected.
2.The "Account disabled" field is selected (ticked) on the Accounting information tab of the customer or vendor account. In the case of a ledger account, the "Status" field of a ledger account is set to "Disabled".
If you have selected an account in a Journal, and the account is disabled, TurboCASH will display the following error message when you post (update) the journal to the ledger:
1.Take note of the account code and name. You may also check that you have not selected the incorrect account.
2.Click on the OK button.
3.If the incorrect account has been selected, select the correct account in the journal and continue to post the journal.
If the selected account was correct, you need to follow the following process:
1.If it is a correct customer or vendor account, remove the tick in the "Account disabled" field on the Accounting information tab of the customer or vendor account. In the case of a ledger account, set the "Status" field to "Enabled".
2.Access the Journal type, from which this error message was generated, and post the journal again.
It is also a good idea to make a backup before posting, in case there is any incorrect allocations in the journal. If there are, it is easy to restore your data from your backup and correct the allocations before updating the transactions to the ledger again. |
TurboCASH allows you to set the options or defaults for a journal to enable you to minimize errors and / or to maximize your productivity when you capture or enter transactions in a journal. The journal options or defaults only needs to be set once when you start to enter transactions for the first time, unless your requirements change. |
You need to post (update) Payments and Receipt journals before you can do the Bank reconciliation (Action → Reconciliation) (reconcile your Payments and Receipts journals with your Bank Statement). |
Post (update) transactions from the Update ledger (F3) option
This option is used to post (update) your journals to the ledger, which you have entered in Action → Journal entry in the various journals. When these journals are updated to the ledger they will automatically pass the journals and post the transactions to the applicable accounts in the Ledger.
You may also post (update) these journals to the ledger from the following options: •F6:Post icon or Post journal processing option on the Journal entry screens. •Post option on the context menu (right-click) on the Bach Type Selection screen. |
Steps before updating / posting
1.Balance the journal - If the debit and credit totals for the journal is not the same as displayed on the Journal type selection screen, you need to balance the journal. This will generate the balancing entries or transactions.
2.List the journal - Generate or Print a list of the transactions in the Journal.
You need to check the transactions to see that they are correct. This is your last chance to correct any incorrect transactions. |
You may also need to attach the source documents to the Journal List for record and audit purposes. |
To post (update) journals to the ledger:
1.On the Action ribbon, select Update ledger (F3). The Update invoices screen will be displayed.
2.Click on the Journals tab. The Update Journals screen will be displayed. Any of the available journals, for which you have entered transactions, will be listed:
TurboCASH generates the Journal numbers automatically. |
3.Select the following options:
a)Select type - This is only active for documents if you click on the Documents tab.
b)Suppress open item - By default, the following Open item selection screens will be displayed on which you need to link the debit and credit transactions when updating journals:
i)Open item selection screen for customer accounts if the Use Open item field on the Accounting information tab is selected.
ii)Open item selection screen for vendor accounts if the Use Open item field on the Accounting information tab is selected.
Select the Suppress open item field, if you do not wish to use the Open item link selection facilities when updating or posting journals. You may then later use the Open item link facility to link the transactions.
c)From ... To - This will display the Journal numbers From ... To. This option allows you to select the starting Journal number on a drop-down list, and a last Journal number which you need to post (update) to the ledger. All journals within the selected range of Journal numbers will be posted (updated) to the ledger.
If you only need to post (update) one journal to the ledger, the Journal number in the From... and To... fields must be the same. |
d)Selected - If you select this option, the From ... To fields and the drop-down lists for Journal numbers will be de-activated. An arrow will indicate the selected document. You may also use the down arrow or Up arrow keys on your keyboard, to select a document from the list.
4.Click on the Update button. TurboCASH will automatically post (update) the transactions in the selected journals to the respective accounts in the General ledger, Customer's ledger and / or Vendor's ledger.
Finding or locating specific journals
You may also use the following options to find or locate a specific journal:
1.Search by Journal entry number -
2.Enter the Journal number - The Journal number will automatically be selected. If not, click on the Search button.
Sort sequences - Double-click on Column headings to sort the list of journals ascending or descending:
1.Journal entry number - By default, all Journal numbers are displayed ascending (smallest Journal number to the latest Journal number).
If you double-click on this heading, it will list the Journal numbers in the descending sequence (from the latest Journal number to the smallest or first Journal number).
2.Journal type - By default, the journals are listed by Journal numbers. The journal descriptions or names (as created or edited in Setup → Journal types) may not be displayed in the ascending sequence.
To display the journal descriptions or names in the descending sequence (9-0 / Z-A), double-click on this heading. To display the journal descriptions or names in the ascending sequence (0-9 / A-Z), double-click on this heading again.
3.User - By default, the journals are listed by Journal numbers. The Users (as created in Setup → Access control and which were logged on to the system and which have processed any transactions in Journals / Journals) may not be displayed in the ascending sequence.
To display the Users in the descending sequence (9-0 / Z-A), double-click on this heading. To display the users in the ascending sequence (0-9 / A-Z), double-click on this heading again.
4.Online - By default, the journals are listed by Journal numbers. The Online column will display TRUE or FALSE and may not be displayed in the ascending sequence.
To display the Online in the descending sequence (TRUE then FALSE), double-click on this heading. To display the users in the ascending sequence (FALSE then TRUE), double-click on this heading again.
Context menu options
If you select a journal on the list, you may right-click to launch the following context menu:
1.Update - will post (update) the transactions in the selected journal to the ledger.
2.Edit journal - will launch or open the selected journal entry screen. You may then edit the transactions in the journal, balance the journal, list the journal and change the alias, etc. before posting it to the ledger.
3.Delete journal - When a journal is posted (updated) to the ledger, it is automatically removed from the list of journals.
It is recommended that this option not be used to delete a journal (journal), but that journals rather be deleted in the Erase journal processing option. |
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