1.The Delivery address tab is the default when accessing the Action →Customer screen.
2.Enter and / or select the following on the Delivery address tab, if necessary:
a)Delivery address, Address 2, Address 3 - Enter up to 3 address lines.
b)Zip code - Enter the zip code.
c)Country - Default is Empty. You may select the Country.
d)Message, Message 1, Message 2 and Message 3 - Enter the message for the customer account. This message will be displayed on Statements printed in Reports → Reports → Customer → Statements.
This statement message is only applicable for the selected customer account. You may also enter a global statement message to be displayed on statements for all customer accounts in Setup → Documents setup - Statements tab. |
e)Layout files
If no layout files have been selected for the customer on this tab, the default settings as set for Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates (Setup → Documents setup) will be used. |
(i)Layout file 1 - Invoice - Layout file - If you have a specific Invoice layout file for the this customer, you may select it.
(ii)Layout file 2 - Credit note - Layout file - If you have a specific Credit note layout file for the this customer, you may select it.
(iii)Layout file 3 - Estimate - Layout file - If you have a specific Estimate layout file for the this customer, you may select it.
f)Send documents type - This is only applicable to the E-mailPro plugin. Print document is the default. Other options are; Print document and send email or Email. To use this feature, you need to activate and purchase the E-mailPro plugin and need to set it to print to a printer.
3.Click on the Accounting information tab to enter and select settings and accounting terms.
4.Once finished, click on the Save button. TheCustomer account Form will be closed and theCustomer accounts List screen will be displayed.
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