Balance customers with amount < x.xx

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You may generate transactions for those Customer accounts, which have an outstanding balance of less than the amount you specify.

This feature may be used if you decide, for example, to write-off all debts of all the customers who owe less than a specified amount, which are considered uneconomical to recover.

To generate multiple transactions for customers with an outstanding amount less than a specified amount:

1.On the Action ribbon, select Journal entry (F2).

2.Select the Journal type (except Payment and Receipt Journals, which is linked to Bank accounts) and click on the Open button.

3.Enter the Alias (journal name) in the Change alias field.

4.Click on the F10:Setup icon and select the Contra account.

5.Click on the F9: Process icon. The "Process the journal" screen will be displayed.

6.Select the "Generate multiple transactions" option.

7.Select and enter the following:

a)Date for transactions - Enter or select the date for which the transactions should be generated.

b)Contra account - Leave as is. The contra account needs to be selected in the F10:Setup.

c)To customers with a balance less than (amount) - Specify an amount for which customers owing less than this amount should be listed in the journal.

5.Click on the OK button. The Generate multiple transactions screen will automatically be closed, and the transactions for the Customers will be imported into the selected journal. An example is as follows:

6.Check the transactions and, if necessary, change the descriptions, etc.

Once you have finished entering / editing the transactions in the journal you need to: -

1.Balance the journal.

2.List the journal.

3.Post the journal.

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