The functions and features and utilities are grouped in five (5) Ribbon tabs.
Show / Hide Ribbon options You may need some extra space when working with, Documents, Stock, Debtors, Creditors, Ledger analyser, etc. To Auto hide the ribbons options, double-click on any of the ribbon tabs. This will hide the options on the ribbon and only display the ribbon tabs and auto-resize (larger) the screens in TurboCASH5. You may then click on a ribbon tab to select and access the options. Once you have selected an option, the ribbon options will auto hide and only display the ribbon tabs. To Show the ribbon options and resize the screens (smaller), you may double-click on a ribbon tab. |
Menu lists You may right-click basically anywhere on the program to access menus (and sub-menus, where applicable) for each of these ribbon tabs. |
These ribbon tabs are:
a)Start - Manage your sets of books, registration and language.
b)Action -
▪Master files – Ledger accounts (chart of accounts), debtors, creditors, contacts, stock items, appointments, tasks, etc.
▪Transactions - Processing of transactions in batches and sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes) and purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders), batches (journals), managing open item accounts (adjust payment dates and / or process receipts / remittance advice for payments and / or refunds, etc.
▪Periodic processing – Reconciliation, Repeating transactions and invoices.
▪Search – Search for data and print transactions and documents, etc.
▪Help – Access the help file, websites (forum, bug reporting, webshop), support details, etc.
c)Reports - Access and print all reports, user reports and reports from the Ledger analyser 1 / 2 and T-Account viewer. It is also used to access the Printer setup and Report designer.
d)Setup - Access the Setup section to configure a Set of Books. The Tools section allows you to export and import files, do global processes and customise languages.
e)User tab - It is used to manage user navigation in a Set of Books. You may select (tick) the Auto-learn feature to add the last accessed options in up to six (6) groups.