Rename reports
You may rename a report from the user reports menu, or your own reports.
If a report, which contains parameters, is renamed both the report (*.rep) and parameter (*.dfm) files will be renamed.
All reports which are required to manage the reporting is listed Reports - File structure and should not be deleted or changed. Do not select any of the standard reports in the Reports menu (stored in the .../plug_ins\reports\systemreports folder). See Reports - System reports - File names should not be deleted or renamed. |
To rename a report:
1.On the "Report man" screen, select the report you wish to rename.
2.Click twice (2x) on the report. The name of the report is editable. Overtype the report name with your own.
3.Click on the Refresh button.
You may rename a report in the Explorer folder. To do this: •Select your report and right-click. On the Explorer folder's context menu, select Rename. You may press the F2 key to rename the report). •Enter the name of your report. If the report includes a parameter, you may select both report (*.rep) and the parameter (*.dfm) file to rename both files at once. The names for the report and parameter file should be exactly the same. |
You may select your new report and click on the Print preview button to check and test your report. |
4.You may exit the "Report man" screen and access your new renamed report from the User reports menu (Reports ribbon).
You may make the report directories and reports translatable via the language files. See Reports - System reports - File names for a structured list of the file names for folders and reports available in the Reports menu. To rename folders: Find translatable language id's in the Tools → Customise language menu (Setup ribbon). In the Explorer folder rename the Folders with a language file id as TRN_160 for Debtors, TRN_161 for Creditors, etc. To rename reports: Select the report you wish to be translatable. Rename both the report (*.rep) as well as the parameter (*.dfm) (if parameters is applicable) with the id number prefixed with TRN_ (underscore). For example, TRN_906045 for Debtor list, TRN_906046 for Creditor list, etc. Once you have renamed your folders and / or reports; restart TurboCASH and Open a Set of Books. When you click on the Reports ribbon, the reports menus will be refreshed. |