The following five (5) reports are available to analyse purchase documents:

1.Purchases per period - Creditor group 1 - List the purchase documents by creditor (supplier / vendor) reporting group 1 linked to creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts on the Edit → Creditors menu.  

2.Purchases per period - Creditor group 2 - List the purchase documents by creditor (supplier / vendor) reporting group 2 linked to creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts on the Edit → Creditors menu.  

3.Purchases per period - Document group 1 - List the purchase documents by document reporting group 1.  

4.Purchases per period - Document group 2 - List the purchase documents by document reporting group 2.  

5.Purchases per period - Salesperson - List the purchase documents by salesperson (person who processed the purchase document). 

This report only includes purchase documents which are posted. Unposted purchase documents will be NOT be included in this report.

To print Purchases by Reporting groups reports

1.Select the Reports → Purchase analysis → Purchases per period menu. 

TurboCASH4 - Purchases per period report options

2.Select the following:

a)Report - Select the Purchases per period - Creditor group 1 (default), Purchases per period - Creditor group 2, Purchases per period - Document group 1, Purchases per period - Document group 2 or Purchases per period - Salesperson report. 

b)Period - Select the period on the Per period tab. You may click on the Free selection tab to select a specific date or a range of dates.

c)Sequence - Select "Creditor code" to print the report by account code or "Description" to print the report by account description (name).

d)New page per account - If this option is selected (ticked), it will print the transactions for each account on a new page.

The Company details will not be printed as in the Page header. The company name is displayed in the Page footer.

3.Click on the OK button. 

An example of the "Purchases per period - Creditor group 1" report, is as follows:

Page 1 -

TurboCASH4 - Purchases per period report printed

Each Reporting group will start on a new page.

Page 2 -

TurboCASH4 - Purchases per period report printed