Inventory - Stock item listing - Tax classes (Reports menu)

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Inventory item listing - Tax classes - Displays a list of the Tax classes as well as the accounts linked to each of the Tax class (added / edited in the Tax classes tab on the Inventory info screen on the Setup ribbon).

When creating or editing inventory items, the Tax classes you may select a Tax class to automatically link the set of five (5) accounts (linked to the Ledger tab of the Action → Inventory screen) for a selected inventory item.

When a inventory item is linked to a tax class, it will disable the Lookup button on the Ledger tab of the Action → Inventory screen for a selected inventory item. It will automatically set the Input and Output Tax, Sales, Cost of sales and Inventory control account fields without having to select them for each inventory item.    

To print Inventory item listing - Tax classes reports:

1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Inventory → Inventory item listing.

2.Select "Tax classes" report.

3.Select the Sequence (i.e. ID (record Id) or description) for the sequence to list the tax classes.

4.Click on the OK button.

An example of the Inventory item listing - Tax classes report, is as follows:

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