Need Microsoft Excel (Office) installed to save reports (Save report as a meta file report from the Reportman Print preview screen) to an Excel spreadsheet or Excel (one sheet) spreadsheet (*.xls).
If Microsoft Office is not installed, the following error will be replicated:
Invalid class string, ProgID: "excel.application"
These reports will include opening balances (closing balances before for the opening of the year), if a full year is selected on the Per period parameters. If any other period is selected the opening balances will be 0.00.
Opening balances are included in the following reports:
•Ledger - Transactions - Transactions
•Customers – Transactions – Transactions
•Vendors – Transactions – Transactions
Tax - Transactions - In most Sets of Books (databases) this report have no data to print (Could not print the report "No data to print!"). In some Sets of Books (databases) it prints the odd transaction (e.g. in the General journal). Still needs to be documented or fixed.
Need to Add the Customer / Vendor details (i.e. Postal address, etc.) to the receipts / payments report.
...\plug_ins\reports\GENERAL\documents\payments.rep - details is not there.
...\plug_ins\reports\GENERAL\documents\receipts.rep is correct.
The address prints correct on the Create receipt option in Receipt journals.
Also see Also replicated in normal books if the Client / Supplier language is set on Edit Customer / Vendor accounts
If different language is selected onAction → Customers language field is selected on the Language field – and it is different from the Start → Switch language and Setup → Access control (Others tab), the TRN_XXXXX of layout files does not change on the report.
...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_160\TRN_66\TRN_906140 - List details
Join needed to display the
•Selling price Description instead of the Selling price ID
•Salesperson Description (Name) instead of the SalespersonID
•Layout file 1 / 2 / 3 does not translate if Customer language is different than the System language (It displays the name as TRN_906200, etc. instead of the translated file name). See -
•Account disabled display No does not change to Yes if the Account is disabled.
•Open item / Balance Forward settings not working and does not display correctly.
List details(...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_161\TRN_66\ TRN_906140)
•Layout file 1 / 2 / 3 does not translate if Vendor language is different than the System language (It displays the name as TRN_906200, etc. instead of the translated file name). See -
•Account disabled display No does not change to Yes if the Account is disabled.
•Open item / Balance Forward settings not working and does not display correctly.
The following reports only includes the default inventory item type. It does not include any other inventory item types (e.g. ten (10) inventory item types i.e. Sales, Sales (no inventory), Purchases, Purchases (no inventory), Financial entry, Option item, Option item (no inventory), BOM (Bills of Materials), BOM (Production), Linked Sale).
The Reports Inventory In/Out does not support all inventory types
Internal Name ...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_1999\TRN_906112
The Reports Inventory In/Out - Documents supports all inventory types
Internal name ...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_1999\TRN_38 Includes all inventory types
Reports → Sales analysis → Reporting groups → Inventory group menu
Internal Name ...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_85\TRN_906149\TRN_906118
New Internal Name ...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_85\TRN_3571
•TRN_906174 - Sales per product - Inventory group 1
•TRN_906175 - Sales per product - Inventory group 2
Internal Name ...\plug_ins\reports\Newreports\TRN_977\TRN_906149\TRN_906118
New Internal Name ...\plug_ins\reports\systemreports\TRN_977\TRN_3575
•TRN_906172 - Purchases per product - Inventory group 1
•TRN_906173 - Purchases per product - Inventory group 2
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