Launch TurboCASH for the first time

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The first screen which will display after TurboCASH is launched for the first time, is the Choose a language screen.

The TurboCASH interface will display in the selected language (Start → Switch language). In the US edition only two language files are included, i.e American and English.

You may set the default language for a Set of Books in the Standard tab (Setup → Access control).

When opening a Set of Books, it will automatically load the language file. All screens, reports and layout files are translatable via the language files.

Select your Language and click on OK the button.

English is the default (driver language file – used as the basis for translation, and to Customize language files). For example, the American and the English files contain specific label, text, currency and tax.

Should you select the incorrect language at this stage, you may change the language in Start → Switch language.

Once TurboCASH5 is launched, the Set of Books screen is displayed. You need to select a Set of Books and click on the Open button.  

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