Delete transactions in a journal

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If an incorrect transaction have been entered in a journal, you may select the transaction and delete it from a row in a journal.

Should you have deleted a transaction by mistake, you cannot undo the delete. You need to re-enter the transaction, which is incorrectly deleted.

Should you wish to delete all the transactions in a journal, you may select the Erase journal option from the Process the journal options screen.

To Delete Transactions in a Journal:

1.Select the transaction in the journal, which you wish to delete.

Multi-select feature allows you to delete more than one (1) transaction at a time. To select the more than one (1) transaction, press the Ctrl key and keep it down while selecting the other lines to delete with a mouse click.

2.Click on the ^D:Delete icon (Ctrl + D). A confirmation message "Are you sure you wish to delete this transaction? (3)" ((3) is the number of transactions to be deleted - as per this example) will be displayed.

3.Click on the Yes button to delete the selected transaction.

If you have selected the incorrect transaction or row, click on the No button to cancel this action.

All the Balancing Entries may be deleted on the Delete Balance context menu of the selected journal type on the Journal type selection screen, if the selected journal is already balanced.

To delete a selected transaction, you need to select an account and / or enter the amount. If the reference number, date and description fields, contains data, but the account and / or amount fields are blank, you will not be allowed to delete the selected transaction.

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