Vendors - Age analysis - Balances (Reports menu)

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The Balances is a similar report as the Balances detail report. The Balances will only list the balances for each aging period.

To print Vendor age analysis - Balances report:

1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Vendors → Age analysis.

2.Select "Balances", if not already selected.

3.Select the following options:

a)Date of aging - Select or enter a date to include the transactions on or before that date.

b)Days overdue - Enter the number of days for period 1.

c)Number of days overdue - Enter the number of days for period 2.

d)From account ...To account  - Select a vendor account or a range of vendor accounts, to include in the report.

e)Sequence - Select "Vendor code" to print the report by account code or "Description" to print the report by account description (name).

3.Click on the OK button.

View the Vendor age analysis - Balances report:

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