The budget feature is used to enter and edit budget figures in TurboCASH4, which can be compared with actual income and expenses. Budgets are a guide as to what you want to achieve; for instance what income you expect to generate (sales forecasts and income from other sources) and a plan for your expenses you need to incur to achieve that income. 

Budget figures can be flexible so as to take into account seasonal trends in business. 

Budget figures can be added for all accounts, except the following accounts: 

1.Main accounts – Budget figures need to be entered for each sub-account. 

2.Debtor's control account – Need to enter Credit limits for each debtor (customer / client) account on the Accounting information tab (Edit → Debtors menu). 

3.Creditor's control account – Need to enter Credit limits for each creditor (supplier / vendor) account on the Accounting information tab (Edit → Creditors menu). 

Budget figures can be added for the following features (extra columns will be added in the Budget tab of the Edit → Accounts menu: 

Cost centres – Cost centre 1 and 2 added in Setup → System parameters → Groups - Cost centre 1 / 2. 

Projects – Projects added in the Setup → System parameters → Groups - Projects, and if activated. 

Budget figures are displayed on the following options and / or reports: 

Ledger analyser accessible from Sidebar (Tools → Ledger analyser menu). 

User reports – If User reports were designed to display budget figures,

Budget figures (if entered in the Edit → Accounts), are displayed on the following reports (Reports menu):

1.Ledger analyser 1 /2: 

oBudget option for Trial balance, Income statement, Balance sheet and Standard column balances report types.

oBudget vs actual report type.

2.T-Account viewer