The last selected contra account for a journal will be displayed in the Journal entry selection screen.
If a contra account is displayed in the Contra account column, and you wish to select a different contra account for a selected journal, you need to:
1.Access the journal.
2.Click on the F10:Setup - Options for this journal - Standard tab.
3.Select the contra account on the Accounts lookup.
The lookup in the journal entry screen automatically filter the code or the description. When the Account or Tax columns are focused, you may type the code or description. In this example, the description is typed as “fu” and it lists only those accounts with the starting with the typed characters, e.g. Fuel and Oil and Furniture...
You may configure the Account types to be included in the lookup Account lookup. On the F10:Setup Advanced tab, you may set the Account lookup type to: •All (default) all account types, •General ledger – All account types, except Customers, Vendors. •Customers (only Customer accounts), •Vendors (only Vendor accounts). •Open item – Only those General ledger, Customer and Vendor accounts for which Open item is activated. |
Configure the account lookup list for journals
To display only the accounts for the specific transactions you need to enter in the journal, you may configure the accounts to be listed in the lookup.
To do this, you may select the Account lookup type option and the Contra account lookup type option on the F10:Setup - Options for this journal - Advanced tab as follows:
1.All - select to display all accounts (i.e. General ledger, Customers, Vendors and Special ledgers).
2.General ledger - select to display all General ledger accounts (excluding Customers, Vendor and Special ledgers). Examples would be if only need to enter and process transactions which does not apply to Customers or Vendor accounts, e.g. Depreciation or adjustments to General ledger accounts in the General journal. Other examples would be cash purchases in the Payments journal or Petty cash payments journal which need to be allocated to the Expense and Asset accounts).
3.Customers - select to display only Customer accounts (excluding General ledger, Vendors and Special ledgers). An example would be if only sales invoices are batched and entered into the Sales journal for which you only need to select the Customer accounts. Another example would be if you only journal or group deposits (receipts) for payments received from Customers.
4.Vendors - select to display all Vendor accounts (excluding General ledger, Customers, and Special ledgers). An example would be if only purchase invoices (received from vendors) are batched and entered into the Purchase journal for which you only need to select the Vendor accounts. Another example would be if you only journal or group a payments (check counterfoils or payment remittance advices) for payments made to Vendors.
If the No tax option on the F10:Setup - Options for this journal - Standard tab is not ticked (default option), the Tax lookup list will also be displayed.
If the No tax option on the F10:Setup - Options for this journal - Standard tab is ticked, the Tax column and Tax lookup list will not be displayed.
Create accounts if the account does not exist
If you enter an invalid account code or account description in the standard filter options for the account lookup in the Accounts column for a transaction, a confirmation message "w Account does not exist, do you wish to create it?" (where "w" does not exist in the chart of accounts, customer accounts or vendor accounts) will be displayed.
If you click on the No button, you will be returned to the journal entry screen, on which you may select a different account.
If you click on the Yes button, you may select the "Account type" screen is displayed:
Select the account type for which you need to create a new account. The account types will launch the screens from the Action ribbon as follows:
1.Customer - TheCustomer accounts list screen, will be displayed on which you may use the search and filter options to locate a customer account. If the account does not exist, you may click on the New button and create a new customer account.
2.Vendor - TheVendor accounts list screen, will be displayed on which you may use the search and filter options to locate a vendor account. If the account does not exist, you may click on the New button and create a new vendor account.
3.Bank account, Tax account and General ledger account - The Accounts screen will be displayed. You may filter for that account and create the new account, if necessary.
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