Purchases - Graph (Reports menu)

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The following two (2) graph reports to analyze your Purchases, which are posted, for a specific period, may be printed:

Graph - Purchases per week - Quantities - displays the total quantities of items on the Quantity Shipped field of Purchase documents per week in a bar chart.

Graph - Purchases per week - Cost - displays the total amount (excluding tax) of Purchase documents per week in a bar chart.

This report only includes Purchase documents which are posted. Unposted Purchase documents will be NOT be included in this report.

To print Graph - Purchases per week reports:

1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Purchases → Purchase documents → Graph.

2.Select the following:

a)Report - Select the Graph - Purchases per week - Quantities or Graph - Purchases per week - Cost report.

b)Period - Select a period on the Per period tab. You may click on the Free selection tab to select a specific date or a range of dates to include in the graph.

3.Click on the OK button.

An example of the Graph - Purchases per week - Quantities, is as follows:

The details is as follows:

1.Vertical Axis - The total quantities on Purchase documents per week.  

2.Horizontal Axis - This is the Number of the Week in the calendar year (1 to 52).

3.Totals - Purchases - The total quantities of all Purchase documents for the selected period.

An example of the Graph - Purchases per week - Cost, is as follows:

The details is as follows:

1.Vertical Axis - The total amount for Purchase documents per week.  

2.Horizontal Axis - This is the Number of the Week in the calendar year (1 to 52).

3.Totals - Purchases - The total amount of all Purchase documents for the selected period.

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