This option allows you to set up the following:
•customer documents (Invoices, Credit notes and Estimates) and your vendor documents (Purchases, Orders and Supplier returns).
•Enter global statement messages on the Statement setup tab to be displayed Statements for customers.
Before you can start generating documents in TurboCASH, you need to set up the Documents. If you have converted the data from an earlier version of TurboCASH, the document details should have been converted automatically, and only needs to be checked.
If you have created more than one user in Access control (Setup ribbon) , you may select to use general numbers for the users and select the default user. This will enable document numbers to be generated by each user.
TurboCASH defaults all document numbers to begin with 000001 (prefixed by 2 alphabetical characters IN for Invoices, CR for Credit notes, PU for Purchase documents, SR for Supplier return documents, OR for Orders and QU for Estimates), but you may change this to suit your needs. Thereafter TurboCASH will automatically allocate the document numbers in the numerical sequence they were generated. |
TurboCASH has set default journal types for all the documents. You may also specify the heading, message, and whether you wish to print the logo, if you have set it up.
If you are registered as a company, close corporation, non-profit organization, non-governmental organization, etc. or any other organization, which requires that your business or organization registration number be displayed on all documentation, etc. in terms of any legislation, you need to enter that registration number in the Address screen - Company Reg. No. field of Company info (Setup ribbon) before processing any documents. |
If you are registered as a VAT/GST/Sales Tax vendor, you need to enter the Tax (VAT/GST/Sales Tax) registration number in the Address screen - Tax Reg. No. field of Setup → Company info (Setup ribbon) before processing any documents. |
It is important to check and set the document numbers, journals, headings and messages before you start processing any documents. You should also see that your document headings display correctly according to your countries Tax legislation, if you are registered for VAT/GST/Sales Tax. |
To set documents:
1.On the Setup ribbon, select Documents setup. The Documents setup screen is displayed:
2.Click on each of the tabs and check or change the where necessary:
3.Select each of the following documents to check or amend the document numbers, journal types (except in the case of Orders and Estimates), select the paper type, change the headings, if necessary, and to enter the messages you wish to be displayed on the documents:
a)Customer documents:
i)Invoices will record the sales transactions with your customers from your inventory code file. This source document will, once updated (posted) to the ledger, record the sales, cost of sales transactions in the general ledger and update the customer's ledger.
ii)Credit notes will record the sales returns received from your customers from your inventory code file. This source document will, once updated (posted) to the ledger, reverse the entries or part of the transactions issued and posted on the Invoice.
iii)Estimates will record the promise to sell specified goods or inventory items at certain prices and quantities, if the customer or customer accepts the estimate within a specified period. Once a estimate is accepted, it can be confirmed and converted to an Invoice. Estimates cannot be updated (posted) to the ledger.
b)Vendor documents:
i)Purchases (Goods Received Notes) will record all the purchase transactions with your vendors or suppliers from your inventory code file. This source document will, once updated (posted) to the ledger, record the purchases in the inventory ledger, the inventory control account in the general ledger and the vendors account in the vendor's ledger.
ii)Supplier returns will record the purchase returns returned to your vendors from your inventory code file. This source document will, once updated (posted) to the ledger, reverse the entries or part of the transactions issued and posted on the Purchase document (Goods Received Note).
iii)Orders will record the inventory items or goods, which are ordered from a vendor or supplier. Once an order is fulfilled, i.e. the inventory items or goods are received, the order can be confirmed and converted to a Purchase document (Goods Received Note). Orders cannot be updated (posted) to the ledger.
4.Click on the Statement setup tab to enter up to 3 Statement message lines to print globally on all Customer Statements (Reports → Customers → Outstanding).
5.Click on the OK button to save your changes and close or exit this screen.
Selecting layout files: If you do not wish to print inventory codes on documents, you may select the following: •The “Invoice (no codes)”. Select “Credit note (no codes)”, “Purchase (no codes)”, “Supplier returns (no codes)”, “Orders (no codes)” and “Estimates (no codes)” does not print the inventory code. •If you wish to print inventory codes on documents, you may select the following: oInventory codes - (less than 10 characters) and description (less than 25 characters), you may select the 10 Code - series of documents. oInventory codes – Up to the maximum inventory code length (15 characters) and description (up to 35 characters), you may select the 15 Code - series of documents. |
If you click on the Page setup button, the following screen will be launched:
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EBook and documentation generator