Documents - Context menu

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Right-click to display the following context menu:

The options are as follows:

1.Salesperson – Change the Salesperson (as added in Setup → Setup →  Salesperson or Setup → Groups (Salespersons)).

2.Set reporting group 1 – Change the reporting group of a document, if Reporting group 1 was set for Documents (as added in the Setup → Groups (Document groups 1)).

The colors of the rows (list of documents) will be changed, if set in Reporting group 1.  

3.Set reporting group 2 – Change the reporting group of a document, if Reporting group 2 was set for Documents (as added in Setup → Groups (Document group 2)).


a)Copy document – Create an exact copy of a selected document and add it as a new document to the list.

b)Convert invoice to order – Create an Order from a selected Invoice. The Vendor accounts screen will be displayed on which you need to select a vendor account. This will add it as a new document to the list of Orders. You may edit the Order and then Convert the Order to a Purchase Document.

c)Convert to credit note /supplier return  – Create an Credit note for an Invoice. For Purchases, it will create a Supplier return document.

Only available for Invoices / Purchases document type. Unposted Invoices and Purchase documents may be edited changed before it is posted (updated to the ledger).

d)Convert documents to single document – This will convert multiple selected documents to a single document.  

This option is not available for other document types (Invoices, Credit notes, Purchases and Supplier return documents).

e)Redo discount on document – This will refresh the discount on a selected document.

f)Edit account – Edit an account for a selected document:

i)Customer accounts - Sales document (Estimate, Invoice or Credit note).

ii)Vendor accounts - Purchase document (Order, Purchase or Supplier return).

g)Change account – Select another account for a selected document:

i)Customer accounts - Sales document (Estimate, Invoice or Credit note).

ii)Vendor accounts - Purchase document (Order, Purchase or Supplier return).

Change account will only be available / displayed for unposted documents.  

h)Create purchase on default supplier 1 – This option will only be available for Purchase documents.

This option will only be available for Orders. It will create a purchase document for the default vendor account as set in Action → Inventory items.


a)Print barcodes – This will print only the barcodes of inventory item codes included on selected document(s).

b)Print labels – This will only print the name (account description) of a customer customer / client on a selected sales document. In the case of a purchase document, it will print the name (account description) of the vendor.


a)Import – This option allows you to import an exported document from a valid existing export.txf file. TurboCASH Data Exchange files are exported (created) in Tools → Export (Documents).

b)Totals – This will list a summary of the Exclusive, Inclusive, Open amounts and the records on an Information screen.

The results may be selected and copied to any other text editor or other external program.

c)Show details – This will display a mouse-over screen displaying the details (i.e. account description,  document number, inventory description, quantity and amount (inclusive of tax) of the selected document.  

d)Open item link – This will launch the Open item link screen displaying the transactions of the customer or vendor account on a selected document.

Only available for Invoices / Purchases document type.

This option is not available for other document types (Estimates, Credit notes, Orders and Supplier return documents).

7.Plugins – Launch some actions if plugins are activated.

8.Mass plugins – Launch the mass actions (multiple actions), if plugins are activated and supported.

The Plugins will be discussed in separate documentation.  

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