Right-click to display the following context menu:
The options are as follows:
1.Salesperson – Change the Salesperson (as added in Setup → Setup → Salesperson or Setup → Groups (Salespersons)).
2.Set reporting group 1 – Change the reporting group of a document, if Reporting group 1 was set for Documents (as added in the Setup → Groups (Document groups 1)).
The colors of the rows (list of documents) will be changed, if set in Reporting group 1. |
3.Set reporting group 2 – Change the reporting group of a document, if Reporting group 2 was set for Documents (as added in Setup → Groups (Document group 2)).
a)Copy document – Create an exact copy of a selected document and add it as a new document to the list.
b)Convert invoice to order – Create an Order from a selected Invoice. The Vendor accounts screen will be displayed on which you need to select a vendor account. This will add it as a new document to the list of Orders. You may edit the Order and then Convert the Order to a Purchase Document.
c)Convert to credit note /supplier return – Create an Credit note for an Invoice. For Purchases, it will create a Supplier return document.
Only available for Invoices / Purchases document type. Unposted Invoices and Purchase documents may be edited changed before it is posted (updated to the ledger). |
d)Convert documents to single document – This will convert multiple selected documents to a single document.
This option is not available for other document types (Invoices, Credit notes, Purchases and Supplier return documents). |
e)Redo discount on document – This will refresh the discount on a selected document.
f)Edit account – Edit an account for a selected document:
i)Customer accounts - Sales document (Estimate, Invoice or Credit note).
ii)Vendor accounts - Purchase document (Order, Purchase or Supplier return).
g)Change account – Select another account for a selected document:
i)Customer accounts - Sales document (Estimate, Invoice or Credit note).
ii)Vendor accounts - Purchase document (Order, Purchase or Supplier return).
Change account will only be available / displayed for unposted documents. |
h)Create purchase on default supplier 1 – This option will only be available for Purchase documents.
This option will only be available for Orders. It will create a purchase document for the default vendor account as set in Action → Inventory items. |
a)Print barcodes – This will print only the barcodes of inventory item codes included on selected document(s).
b)Print labels – This will only print the name (account description) of a customer customer / client on a selected sales document. In the case of a purchase document, it will print the name (account description) of the vendor.
a)Import – This option allows you to import an exported document from a valid existing export.txf file. TurboCASH Data Exchange files are exported (created) in Tools → Export (Documents).
b)Totals – This will list a summary of the Exclusive, Inclusive, Open amounts and the records on an Information screen.
The results may be selected and copied to any other text editor or other external program. |
c)Show details – This will display a mouse-over screen displaying the details (i.e. account description, document number, inventory description, quantity and amount (inclusive of tax) of the selected document.
d)Open item link – This will launch the Open item link screen displaying the transactions of the customer or vendor account on a selected document.
Only available for Invoices / Purchases document type. This option is not available for other document types (Estimates, Credit notes, Orders and Supplier return documents). |
7.Plugins – Launch some actions if plugins are activated.
8.Mass plugins – Launch the mass actions (multiple actions), if plugins are activated and supported.
The Plugins will be discussed in separate documentation. |
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