The Customer listing - Postal address report will list the Account code, Name of the Customer (account description), Postal address, Telephone 1 / 2, Fax, E-mail Address and Website.
To print a Customer - List postal address report:
1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Customers → Listing.
2.Select "List postal address", if not already selected.
3.Select the following:
a)From ... To... - Select a customer account or a range of customer accounts, to include in the report.
b)Sequence - Select "Customer code, Description, Address 3 or Zip code" to print the report details in the order (sort) in which you wish to display the data.
c)Reporting group 1 - Select a reporting group or more reporting groups. The report will only be printed for those customer accounts linked to the selected Customer reporting group 1.
4.Click on the OK button.
View the "Customer list: Postal address" report
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