Backup a Set of Books

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The Backup / Restore option will backup your data onto disk or your hard drive in a tcBackup.exe file. Backup files are used to Restore a Set of Books to the set of data from which the Backup file was created. Backups are copies of your data that you make on a regular basis.

You will need backups in case of file corruption, hardware failures and other errors.

TurboCASH also allows you to create a backup file and send it directly via e-mail. You may also select to create the TurboCASH5 Backup File *.exe (self-extracting executable) or a TurboCASH5 Backup File *.zip file format. The zip backup file format allows you to send a backup file via e-mail in cases where your Internet firewall settings will not allow you to send and receive *.exe files.

As a general rule, it is good practice to back up often, preferably upon closing the program. Backing up can be to CD-ROM, USB-Drive, etc. Backing up to your hard disk is also a good practice but the best backup is not stored on your computer. (In case of a hard drive failure!!)

It is also recommended that you complete a BACKUP in the following instances:

Prior to performing any major processes, such as Delete Set of Books on the Start ribbon and Global processes (Clear / Reset, Do year end, Reverse posted journals / documents) on the Tools ribbon.

Old data on your previous version of TurboCASH or other accounting package prior to conversion to TurboCASH.

On a regular basis: Depending on your need and volume of work. The following minimum is recommended:

o2 - 3 sets daily re-used weekly or every 3rd to 4th day.

o2 weekly sets - re-used every 3rd week.

o12 Monthly sets - done at the end of each month, and re-used each year.

o1 set prior to year-end and kept permanent.

The very same backup disks or backup files on your hard drive are used to restore your data in your Set of Books. If you do not make regular backups, you may have to re-enter thousands of transactions and general ledger, customer, vendor and inventory items.

To create a Backup file:

1.On the Start ribbon, select Backup / Restore. If a Set of Books is open on your system, TurboCASH will automatically close the Set of Books and the Backup Set of Books screen is displayed:

2.Select the Backup option, if not already selected.

3.Select the Name of the Set of Books you wish to Backup.

4.You may over type the Backup file Name with a name of your own.

The date and time of your operating system is automatically inserted in the file name (e.g. MYBOOKS201603012128.exe) after the default file name.

(In this example, the date and time format is YYYYMMDD followed by the Hour and Minutes). The format may differ if your operating system's short date style or format is set different). If you need to create the Backup file in the *zip file format remove the tick in the "Executable exe file" field.

5.Select the folder (drive, etc.) to Backup to.

The default backup path (drive or folder) for a Set of Books as set in the Setup → Setup → Backup path will be displayed. If you have not set the default backup path, the default system drive will be displayed. You may select any other drive or folder on your system.

6.Click on the Backup button to start the backup process. While the Backup process is running, the files are backed up from and added on your backup disk or location on your hard drive or network drive will be displayed. When the backup process is completed, an information screen “The Backup process is completed!” will be displayed.

The information in the Backup process will be displayed, for example:

Starting backup...


4 Files compressed

Backup completed...

7.Click on the OK button and click on the Close button on the Backup Set of Books screen. You may also press the Esc key on your keyboard to exit the Backup Set of Books screen.

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