Access control

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This option allows you to set the security options for a specific Set of Books. User passwords and access levels may also be set. You may have as many users to work on a Set of Books as you wish. You may set differing passwords for each user, in order that they are enabled to perform only the function(s) assigned to them.

Multi-User Plugin

This version of TurboCASH, may be configured and set up a Network Server for multi-users. To enable the full multi-user functionality, you need to purchase a multi-user license and register TurboCASH5 as a multi-user product.

Other plugins for a multi-user environment:

Multi-Language accounts - Manual - Shop - Once-off license -

This plugin makes it possible to translate the ledger and group names in multiple languages. It is already possible to choose different languages for the interface (the buttons). But this plugin makes it possible to do the accounting in different languages. Per user you can select a language, so the user can account in his/her own language. The set of books can be viewed in different languages, therefore it is possible an employee enters information into an English Set of Books and a bookkeeper, auditor, etc. can see the set of books in a set language, e.g. Afrikaans, Dutch, etc.

Multi-User calendar (agenda) - Manual - Shop - Once-off license -

This plugin adds the multi-user agenda (multiple agendas) to the Calendar (Planner). You can add agendas and link them as default to the current user. For every agenda a tab will appear in the agenda Calendar so you can see what the appointments, etc. are on other agendas. You can have a agenda for each employee, salesperson, user, etc. and create invoices directly from his / her agenda with a simple click. Each agenda has it's own calendar and task list.

This option allows you to set the security options for a specific Set of Books, your users, their passwords, e-mail addresses and access levels to restrict the users to perform specific functions.

Access control may be used for single-user installations on a single machine.

Some functions for persons (not using the multi-user license) are:

Creating and changing passwords.

Customize / Configure Document Processing:

oAdd the Posting and Delete buttons to the Document listing screen

oActivate the Read-only Tax in Documents

Customize Setup Groups - Deselect (remove ticks) for Groups that you do not wish to be listed when accessing Setup → Groups. For example, if you do not want / need to use Cost centers or Projects (Status Groups), etc., you may deselect these not to display on the Groups Setup.

Activate Cost Centres in Documents - This will allow you to select Cost center when selecting inventory items in documents.

Multi-User Calendar Plugin -

You may also create a password for one user only (which has all the access levels) if you have no other users. Once you have entered (or set a password), the Set of Books in which you have set up the password can only be accessed when a valid password is entered, unless the user with the system function deletes all the passwords.

If you need to send reports and documents via e-mail, you need to enter a valid e-mail address on at least any of the following options before you can set up and configure TurboCASH for the Internet:

Setup → Company info - E-mail field, or;

Setup → Access control to create a user and enter a valid e-mail address.

You may have as many users to work on a Set of Books as you wish. You may set differing functions for each user. If any of the users enter a valid password, that user will only be able to access those functions you have allocated to that user. The disabled functions will be inactive on the menu options and speed tool-bar for that user.

By default, Access control to all the functions in a Set of Books is allowed when you create a user. To restrict a user from certain or specific functions, you simply have to deselect (remove the tick) from the option, function or feature you do not wish that user to have access to. The access control options, functions or features are as follows:

Standard security - Allow or restrict a user to System Setup, Delete Set of Books on the Start ribbon and Global processes (Clear / Reset, Do year end, Reverse posted journals / documents) on the Tools ribbon.

Reports access - Allow or restrict a user to print or view Vendor reports, Customer reports, General ledger reports, Inventory reports or User reports.

Journals access - Allow or restrict a user from Posting Journals and / or Updating Documents to the Ledger, to enter transactions in Journals or to create and edit Documents (Invoices, Purchases, Credit notes and Supplier returns). If you allow a user to enter transactions in Journals, you may restrict a user from accessing and processing transactions in journals. For example, if you have a Petty Cashier, you may allow that person to only access the Petty cash payments journal; the Cashier only has access to process receipts in the Receipts journal, etc. In addition to this, you may also restrict or block a user from accessing specific accounts.

Others - Allow or restrict the user from access to create, edit or delete master files, such as General ledger accounts, Customer accounts, Vendor accounts, Bank accounts and / or Inventory items, set the mode for the user and link the user to a salesperson. You may select to restrict the selected user from updating (posting) documents to the ledger and/or set customized limitations.

Documents - Allows to configure document processing.

Groups - Deselect (remove ticks) for Groups that you do not wish to be listed when accessing Setup → Groups. For example, if you do not want / need to use Cost centers or Projects (Status groups), etc., you may deselect these not to display on the Groups Setup.

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