Using this facility, you may also export the data for sales documents (Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes) as well as purchase documents (Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders) in an open Set of Books to the available file formats. 

All the information for each account as entered in Documents (Action ribbon), will be exported in the selected file format. 

To import documents, it is recommended that a valid "TurboCASH Exchange file (*.txf)" file is generated in the Export - Documents option on the Setup ribbon. This will only include the documents on the dates selected to include in the export file. These exported documents may then be imported from the Others → Import context menu option on the "Documents list" screen.

To export Documents: 

1.On the Setup ribbon, select Export. The "Export Data to File" screen will be displayed.

2.Click on the Documents button, if not selected. The screen will change to display the options for the Documents: 

3.Select and / or enter the following: 

a)Export to - The installation directory in which TurboCASH is installed, will be displayed. You may click on the Browse icon to select a folder on the "Browse For Folder" screen. You may then select any available folder, or drive, on your system into which you wish to export the data.

b)File type - Select to export the file in the XML Database (*XML), Comma Separated Variable (*CSV), Lotus Spreadsheet File (*WK1), MS Excel Spreadsheet (*XLS), or any other format available on your system from the list.

c)Export files name - Enter the File name. You need to select this file at a later stage when you wish to import the file, or analyse the data in a spreadsheet.

d)Log file - Enter the Log file name.

e)Range - From ... To - Select the date from and to. All documents in the selected period(s) will be included in the export file. 

4.Click on the Export button. TurboCASH will create the export file, and save it in the specified directory.