Context menu - Print barcodes
This option allows you to print barcodes for the stock items included on sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Credit notes or Quotes) or purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns or Orders).
You may also print the Barcode or the Yagoda barcode from the Reports → Stock → Print labels menu on the Reports ribbon. |
To print barcodes for selected stock items:
1.On Documents (Documents list) (Action ribbon), select the Document type, if the correct document type is not selected.
2.Select the Document(s), right-click on "Print" context menu and select "Print barcodes" from the sub-menu. This will print the labels of all the stock items included on a selected document. Right-click and select Documents → Print → Barcodes option on the context menu. This will print the labels of all the stock items included on a selected document.
If you need to select multiple documents, press the Ctrl or the Shift key and click on each document, for which you need to print barcodes. |
An example of a printed barcodes for a selected document, is as follows:
It will display / print the following for each stock item included in a document:
1.Stock code
2.Stock item description
4.Selling price (exclusive of Tax (VAT/GST/Sales tax).
Labels will be printed for each stock item on a selected document. If more than one document is selected, labels will be printed for each of the selected documents. |