The following two (2) reports are available to print information for the Set of Books:

Company info – Bank accounts - list the details of the company bank accounts details as entered in Company info (Setup ribbon). 

Company info - Information - Lists the document headings and messages for each document type as well as statement message as specified or entered in the Documents setup (Setup ribbon). It also lists the Selling price descriptions and Cost of sales settings as entered and set on the Stock information (Setup ribbon). 

Report options

To print Company info reports

1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Company info


2."Bank accounts" is the default report. You may select the "Information" report.

3.Click OK.  

Printed example : Company info - Bank accounts

An example of the "Bank accounts" report, is as follows:


The details (Bank name, Bank account number and the Branch code) for Bank account 1 and / or Bank account 2  as entered in Company info (Setup ribbon).  

You may also enter the following, if required:

SWIFT - (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) See / 

IBAN - (International Bank Account Number) See 

BIC - (Bank Identifier Code)

The information of your bank account 1 will print on  Invoices (Invoice Bank details if selected when printing invoices) and on Debtor statements.  

The banking details may be added to your specific layout files or custom reports. 

Printed example : Company info - Information

An example of the "Information" report, is as follows:


Lists the details of the following:

Information - Document heading and messages (up to 3 lines) as entered in the Documents setup (Setup ribbon) for each of the Sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes tabs) as well as Purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders tabs). This information is standard and will be printed on all documents. 

Global statement message (up to 3 lines) as entered on the Statement setup tab on Documents setup (Setup ribbon). This information will print standard on all Statements (Reports → Debtors – Outstanding (Reports ribbon)). This is in addition to the specific messages (up to 4 lines) that can be entered in the Delivery address tab individual debtor accounts (Debtors - Action ribbon).

Selling price descriptions – The descriptions of Selling price 1, Selling price 2 and Selling price 3 as entered in the Selling price descriptions fields (Stock information - Setup ribbon).

Cost of Sales – 

oCreate Cost of sales - Yes - Cost of Sales is activated.

            - No - Cost of Sales is not activated. 

oAverage cost - Yes - Average Cost of Sales is activated.

 - No - Latest Cost of Sales is activated.